EPISODE 5 – Sleep: How To Get Your Child To Sleep Better & The Link Between Sleep & Your Mouth

We often talk about the importance of good sleep for ourselves, but what about our children? If you’ve ever wanted to understand what healthy sleep for infants and children looks like, then this episode is for you.

In the first part of this episode, I’ll be talking with Karen Faulkner, a Registered Midwife, Child & Family Health Nurse and Registered Baby Sleep Consultant. With 30 years of experience as a midwife and 20 years of experience as a baby sleep consultant, Karen takes a holistic approach towards teaching healthy sleep habits for children and in our conversation, explains the importance of developing good ‘sleep hygiene’, SIDS, what good sleep positioning looks like and imparts some actionable tips to improve your child to improve their sleep quality for a lifetime.

And in the second part of this episode, we speak with Sharon Mooore, a public speaker, Sleep health advocate, Speech pathologist and author of the book “Sleep Wrecked Kids”. In our conversation, we explore the meaning of myofunctional therapy, how speech pathologists can aid a good night’s sleep and more broadly, how our mouth connects to our quality of sleep (and what we can do about it).