
We Transform Health for
Individuals and Workplaces.

Where Mindset Meets Recovery: Tailoring Your Journey to Holistic Health

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For the Individual ...
and the Workplace that is made up of individuals


Your mind can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Establishing your PQ (positive intelligence quotient), identifying your mental saboteurs…. The Judge and its nine accomplice saboteurs…. while building on what is strong by focusing on your character strengths is key to a mindset that delivers less stress, more engagement, and positive relationships…. mental fitness is key to controlling your mindset.


We are all faced with many daily challenges, including career, family, friends, finance, spiritual and personal development, BUT underpinning them all is your HEALTH. Your physical and mental health affects how you show up to these challenges and determines whether you thrive or survive. Our modern world is stressful, and stress impacts every aspect of our lives. Understanding what ‘STRESS’ means, how it affects us and having a structure to identify and minimise as many of those stresses is central to our UnstressHEALTH approach….. mental fitness is key to taking control of what you can control.


Understanding how stress impacts physical and mental health is an important first step – control what you can control. With knowledge comes the power to minimise and control stress while building a mindset to deal with daily challenges. Your physical and mental health is key to recovery. Identifying and minimising stressors while focusing on the five pillars of health is not just a great model for overcoming a diagnosis of a disease…(NOTE: 1 in 2 Australians have a diagnosable disease; 1 in 3 have two or more)….but also a great way to recover every day…..mental fitness supports you in making those choices.


Unstress Health provides a holistic approach to health which recognises the daily cycle of challenges, mindset and recovery.

Whether you are looking to proactively support your health, or you are one of the 50% of Australians diagnosed with at least one preventable chronic physical or mental condition, our unique model of health provides the framework and support to good health. 

Unstress Health is independent of the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries which dominate our public health space. 

Our current healthcare system provides incredible support for a health crisis, but it has also become a (preventable) chronic disease management system – a great economic model, just not a very good health model. 

Unstress Health is focused on good health. 

For the Workplace

Workplace wellbeing, minimising and mitigating physical and psychosocial risk is now the responsibility of Companies, Boards, CEOs and Managers. 

Research has shown that 70% of the workplace feel their managers/leaders have the same impact on mental health as their life partners and more than their doctors or therapists. The paradox is that leaders are being asked to manage the stress in the workplace, yet they are often the most stressed of all. 

A company prioritising its team’s health and wellbeing is a company people will want to work for, and a company people will want to work with. As the research shows, it’s an excellent return on investment. 

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