Workplace Health Solutions

Transform the collective health of your team
& unlock the potential of your Organisation

The Problem

Stress has become an inescapable fact of our modern lives, wreaking havoc on our health and productivity.

In order to solve a problem like ‘stress’ it helps to understand it. 

Unstress Health redefines what stress means in our modern world and puts you in control. 

As our world becomes ever more complex, Unstress Health Programs focus on simple, achievable, affordable, sustainable and most importantly effective solutions to minimise and build resilience to daily stressors and challenges.

What do the statistics say?

0 %

Presenteeism: 83% of employees reported going to work despite poor mental health1

0 %

76% perform below expectation due to mental health problems1

$ 1 b

$35 billion Cost to Australian workplace each year in absenteeism & presenteeism2

0 %

Over 1 in 4 (27%) of people have taken time off work due to stress3

0 %

11% of employees have chosen to contact their EAP for support (i.e. 9 in 10 don't use this service)1


Gallup: State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report

Let Unstress Health transform the collective health of your team

The Unstress Health corporate program boosts staff retention, productivity, and engagement across all business levels. By emphasising Mindset, Recovery, and Challenges, it ensures peak individual and team performance.

A company prioritizing its team’s health and wellbeing is a company people will want to work for, and a company people will want to work with.  

Start here...

Keynotes And Workshops
Keynotes and Workshops

Interactive, Practical and Engaging Presentations for Teams and Leaders

Corporate Health Resources
Corporate Resources

Transform The Collective Health of Your Team and Leaders with our complimentary resources

Corporate Health Program Learning Platform

An educationally designed digital health platform to help your team take control of their health and be the best they can be.

Unstress Health Solutions and Health Platform

A results driven approach that works

Using the health assessment tool the company saw 137% improvement in overall health score...

Symbio employee wellbeing testimonial
TCorp employee testimonial

Employees measured a 130% improvement on each individual pillar of health...

Unstress Health Advisory Panel

A collaboration of great minds and passionate clinicians with many years of clinical experience. Read more about our Advisory Panel

Health Solutions That Work For Your Organisation

Unstress Health Values Accessible and Affordable

We make our health solutions universally accessible by delivering our programs entirely online through an intuitive and educational digital platform, featuring comprehensive health information from top doctors, researchers, and clinicians.

Unstress Health Values Achievable and Sustainable

Our solutions are both achievable and sustainable, requiring only YOU. We focus on enhancing basic activities you're already doing, providing support to improve them, so you can achieve your best and live to your full potential.

Unstress Health Values Holistic and Science Based

Our health programs, grounded in the latest scientific research and extensive clinical experience, offer a unique approach. We focus on Mindset, Recovery and Challenges your team will experience wellbeing like never before.

Find out how Unstress Health can optimise the health of your employees

Whether you’re an employee, a HR manager or a CEO – we want to hear from you.


  1. Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace: Survey of APAC employees. September 2020. Access here.

  2. State of Workplace Mental Health in Australia (here)

  3. Achievers workforce institute | Empowering Employee Wellbeing in the New World of Work. October 2021. Download

How healthy is your team?

Stress & Health in the Workplace Research Report

An Insight into Employee Physical & Mental Health & the Best Overall Approach to Improving Individual and Organisational Health