EPISODE 4 – Sleep: How To Get a Good Night’s Sleep & Dealing with Insomnia

What if I told you ​ that scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer, enhances your memory, lowers your risk of heart attacks and disease, plus makes you feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious?

…Would you be interested?

Well, that is exactly what a consistently good night is, plus, it’s a free and accessible habit for a lifetime.

In this episode, we explore how we can get a good night’s sleep with I’ll be talking to one of Australia’s leading Sleep Physicians Dr Anup Desai, who’s clinic is The Sydney Sleep Centre…. and who I have had the privilege of working closely with and referring many patients that….require a more in depth sleep analysis. We discuss the relationship between mental health and sleep quality, how much sleep you actually need for your age, how many people are actually getting a good night’s sleep, and how you can improve your sleep with easy, actionable tips.

And in the second half of this episode, we talk to Dr Chris Winter, a neurologist, sleep specialist and author of ‘The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and how to Fix it’. In our discussion, we take a deeper dive into sleep disorders, how common they actually are, and what we can actually do about it.