EPISODE 10 – Movement: The Mind – Body Connection & Think on Your Feet

Welcome to the Move pillar. For the next two episodes, we will be exploring the concept of movement and its connection to physical and mental well-being.

In the first half of this episode, we will be speaking with Dr Shankardev Saraswati, a medical practitioner who specialises in psychotherapy and is a renowned teacher of yoga and meditation. In our conversation we discuss the history of the mind-body connection, how to incorporate parasympathetic breathing into your life, how we digest trauma and its lasting impact on the body, and meditation as a connection.

In the second half of the episode, we talk to Mark Ninio to explore the connection between movement to postural health, and more specifically our feet. Mark Ninio is one of Australia’s leading experts in foot structure and podiatry and in our conversation we discuss the variety of foot structures, the difference between acute pain and chronic pain, the impact of anatomical leg differences, and exactly what is involved in a podiatric assessment.