Understanding Stress

Stress has always been a part of life.

It has served us well in our evolutionary journey, helping to keep us safe.

Research confirms what many suspects: that living with ongoing stress affects our health and significantly contributes to illness and disease.

The Stress and Wellbeing in Australia Survey 2014, conducted by the Australian Psychological Society, found 72 per cent of Australians reported their current stress levels had an negative impact on their physical health.

However, stress in our modern world has an intensity and consistency we have never experienced before, and comes in many forms, some of which most people are not even aware of, and it comes in many forms.

In order to solve a problem… like ‘stress’ … it is important to understand it as best we can.

Bulit on over 40 years of clinical experience, UnstressHEALTH takes a unique holistic perspective on defining, identify and minimising those stresses which negatively affects our health, by compromising our immune system and promoting chronic inflammation…the common denominators in all diseases, physical and mental.

There are 5 stressors to identify and minimise and they include:

  • Emotional 
  • Nutritional
  • Environmental
  • Postural
  • Dental

Finding a balance is key

Managing Stress

1. Identify 

Take the Stress Quiz

See how you score across the 5 stressors and identify the areas to manage and improve overall health.

2. Minimise & Manage Stressors

As you work through each stressor, you will start to identify how and why the stressor impacts your life.

At the end of each stressor module, you will be able to minimise and manage each of these stressors.  Note these down so you can create your own stress management plan.

3. Live A Life Less Stressed

Improve Your Overall Wellbeing 

Once you have learnt to identify, manage or minimise the stressors, you are well on the way to living a life less stressed while also focusing on the pillars of health – and unlock your full potential!