Emotional Stress
Modern life is stressful.
We are bombarded by news….and most of it is ‘bad news’. Bad news keeps us engaged in whatever it is we are watching or listening to.
While we may not have control over events, news and the people that surround us, we do have control over how we think of them….. easier said than done!
It’s why we have included mindset and mental fitness in our UnstressHealth program.
Your mind can be your best friend, or worst enemy…..building your mental fitness and embedding a ‘thrive’ mindset is key.
Wev are here to help you do just that.
Thoughts are things….
Thoughts are things called neurotransmitters… cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and others….which attached on to your cell membranes and then cause your genes to express themselves in a positive or negative way….it’s called EPIGENETICS.
BUT, you are not a victim to your genes, and while no one has control over eveything, you do have control over many things.
Having control of how you think about yourself, other and life’s events is arguably your greatest tool
Managing for digital life….
A new source of emotional stress in our daily lives is technology. While undoubtedly exciting, convenient, and stimulating, there are consequences of this ‘switched-on’ and globally connected way of life.
The increased speed at which we live our lives is also making us feel more stressed than ever before.
The pressure to complete tasks more quickly and to respond immediately.
Information Overload & Social Media
Social media and the news is also potential source of emotional stress. With constant connectivity or comparisons, people are living their lives on social media which has been shown to contribute to anxiety, depression, phobias and more.
The paradox is that while we are connected with the wortld, may have many online ‘friends’ and ‘likes’ people are feeling more isoltated than ever and not connecting wi the people thay physically come into contact with… we are social beings…we need physical contact.
Pyschologist and UnstressHEALTH Advisory Board member Jocelyn Brewer offers courses in Digital Nutrition…..and like the food we consume…it can be toxic or it can be empowering.
Jocelyn identifies 4M’s to manage your digital nutrtion:
* MEANINGFUL – your time is valuable so ensure what your are engaging with is meaningful.
* MINDFUL – be aware of the time your are allocating to your online life
* MODERATE – speaks for itself.
* MODELLING – your are modelling behavious and priorities to those you are physically coming in contact with; your children, your family, your work colleagues, your friends.
Here are some additional tips and goals to help manage emotional stress:
- Minimise exposure to information (such as news updates, social media updates etc.) or limit reading the news to when you are calmer.
- A social media detox. Spend a few hours a day or days a week without connecting to social media.
- Reach out to a trained professional to talk.
- Get a consistent good night’s sleep (aiming for 7-9 hours). More on this in our ‘5 Days to Better Sleep’ program.
- Implement a meditation or mindfulness practice. A few mins a day can make a big difference.
- Turn off notifications on your phone.
- Build your mental fitness, establish your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), recognise the Saboteurs, practice using your Sage Powers and build your PQ muscle
Resources to manage Emotional Stress & build Mental Fitness
As an UnstressHEALTH Member you can access supporting resources and information to manage emotional stress, and most empowering:
- Prioritise sleep
- Establish your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ),
- Identify & recognise your own Saboteurs,
- Practice using your Sage Powers and
- Build your PQ muscle

When we focus on our PQ muslce we enhance our capacity to respond to life’s stresses and challenges with a positive, rather than negative, mindset.
We are better able to strengthen our emotional resilience and manage emotional stress.

Sleep is the most important part of the day, giving you the physical, mental, and emotional energy to deal with the stress of our modern world…..it also helps you control what you can control… thoughts, food and drink choices, exercise, and much more.
Let’s focus on ‘improving your sleep’…. quantity(7-9 hours) and quality (waking up refreshed).
The Science of PQ

YOUR THOUGHTS build neural pathways to different parts of the brain.
Those pathways can be a ‘dirt track’ of a ‘4-lane highway’

Find out your PQ

Find out your Saboteurs

The Judge is the universal Saboteur that afflicts everyone.
It is the one that beats you up repeatedly over mistakes or shortcomings, warns you obsessively about future risks, wakes you up in the middle of the night worrying, gets you fixated on what is wrong with others or your life, etc.
Your Judge activates your other 9 Accomplice Saboteurs, causes much of your stress and unhappiness, reduces your effectiveness, and harms your relationships

Emotional stress – focus on what you can control.
Like any form of ‘fitness’ building and maintaining ‘mental fitness’ takes practice…
We are here to help!