Health Assessment Quiz

Health Assessment Quiz

See how you weigh up against the pillars of health - sleep, breathe, nourish, movement and thought.

1 / 21

On average, how many hours do you sleep a night?

Health Quiz Sleep

2 / 21

Generally, do you wake up feeling refreshed?

Health Quiz Sleep

3 / 21

In your normal routines (i.e. not on holiday or away etc.), is it easy for you to fall asleep?

Health Quiz Sleep

4 / 21

Do you normally wake through the night?

Health Quiz Sleep

5 / 21

Do you wake up with dry lips, a dry mouth or a sore throat?

Health Quiz Breathe

6 / 21

Do you experience any headaches, neck aches or jaw pain when you wake up in the morning?

Health Quiz Breathe

7 / 21

Do you crave sweet or sugary food?

Health Quiz Nourish

8 / 21

How many alcoholic drinks do you have in a typical week? (Standard drinks)

Health Quiz Nourish

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How many cups of water do you drink in a typical day (a cup of water is equal to 250mL)?

Health Quiz Nourish

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How many cups of coffee, tea (non-herbal) or caffeinated drinks do you drink on a typical day?

Health Quiz Nourish

11 / 21

How much exercise do you do on a normal day?

Health Quiz Movement

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What level of intensity do you generally exercise?

Health Quiz Movement

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Do you complete at least 10,000 steps on a normal day?

Health Quiz Movement

14 / 21

On an average weekday, how many total hours do you think you spend sitting down e.g. getting to and from work, meal times, at your desk or watching TV?

Health Quiz Movement

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On an average weekday, how many total hours do spend outdoors?

Health Quiz Movement

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On an average weekend day, how many total hours do spend outdoors?

Health Quiz Movement

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On a normal day, do you take time to focus on being calm, mindful or meditating?

Health Quiz Thought

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Did you generally feel engaged in your day-to-day activities e.g. your job or your normal day?

Health Quiz Thought

19 / 21

How would you rate your day yesterday?

Health Quiz Thought

20 / 21

On average, how many hours do you spend in close contact with a digital device (computer, laptop, tablet, phone etc.)

Health Quiz Thought

21 / 21

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your life today? 1 being very unhappy and 10 being very happy.

Thought Pillar of Health 1

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