3 Health Tips To Live A Life Less Stressed

Want to live a life less stressed?

There are so many health challenges in our modern world.

Here are three simple strategies that can help you to reduce stress, improve your health and ultimately live a less stressful life.

1. Make sleep a priority

Sleep is nature’s built-in life-support system and affects every measure of health for young and old, and all those in between. Sleep is the most important part of our day.

A consistently good night’s sleep is a function of quantity (getting enough)  and quality (breathing well). The key is to prioritise it, develop a rhythm and routine with good sleep hygiene, to help build and maintain the physical, mental and emotional resilience to deal with the stresses of our modern world.

2. Recognise the power of food

It’s either the best medicine or the slowest of poisons and has the ability to affect not just physical health, the immune system, but also mood and behaviour.

Be aware that it can cause sensitivities, chronic inflammation and reactions that are not always immediately obvious but delayed food hypersensitivities are a reality.

We also share our body with billions of microbes, that can either help keep us healthy or make us sick.  Are you feeding your friends or foes?

3. Relationships are the key to longevity and health

We live in a world that constantly vies for our attention. It’s easy to get lost in notifications, and social media, preoccupied with being ‘liked’, and even have hundreds of ‘friends’. But that’s not the relationships that nurture us.

Be present, be mindful and model behaviour that values real relationships, for you and your family.


These are 3 simple health tips to help you reduce stress. In summary and further reading:

1. Improving your sleep hygiene will have a huge impact on your health. To do that, you must prioritise it.

Further reading: 


2. Bring awareness to how you’re fuelling your body. The gut is the second brain.

Further reading:


3. Focus on the relationships around you. This will help you to be present.

Further reading:

These are just three areas we focus on in our online health programs. The Unstress Health membership takes a holistic approach to improving poor metabolic health and helps you fulfil your potential in life.

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